Melbourne, 15 September 2024 – A peaceful demonstration was held today outside the Victorian Parliament, with protesters demanding international attention to the occupation of the Borneo states—Sabah and Sarawak—by Malaya (now Malaysia) since 16 September 1963. The event, organized by several NGOs, including the Republic of Sabah North Borneo, led by its president, Mosses PA Ampang, highlighted the urgent need for global support in addressing the long-standing political and territorial grievances of the Bornean people.

The protest marked the anniversary of the day in 1963 when Malaya, under the pretext of forming "Malaysia," extended its political boundaries to include Sabah and Sarawak. The demonstrators argue that no new country was formed on that day; rather, it was a strategic expansion of Malaya’s control over Borneo. Ampang, speaking at the event, stated, “The so-called formation of Malaysia was a political maneuver done by force, deception, and without the consent of the Borneo people. No referendum was ever held, making it an illegitimate annexation of our lands.”

According to Ampang and the protesters, the Malaysia Agreement of 1963, which enabled this annexation, is void and invalid from the beginning (ab initio). This view is supported by international precedents such as the Chagos Islands case, which ruled that colonies lack the capacity to sign international agreements on their own behalf. Ampang highlighted the fact that both North Borneo and Sarawak were not parties to the Malaysia Agreement, with even the British Attorney General of Sarawak at the time acknowledging that Borneo's inclusion in Malaysia was only for presentation purposes. "The Malaysia Agreement was nothing more than a bilateral deal between Britain and Malaya, excluding the people of Borneo from having any say in their own future," said Ampang.

The demonstration aimed to raise awareness among the Australian public and the international community about the Bornean people's call for justice. "Sabahans and Sarawakians deserve the right to independence, and they must be given the opportunity to express their democratic will," Ampang said, calling for an end to what he referred to as “Malaya's occupation” of the Borneo states. He added, "This peaceful demonstration is a call for international support to press Malaysia to respect the rights of the Bornean people. It is time for justice, and the world needs to stand with us."

The event underscored the ongoing efforts by the Republic of Sabah North Borneo NGO and other Bornean independence groups to bring attention to the historical and political context surrounding the Malaysia Agreement. Ampang and the protesters reiterated their demand for the international community to acknowledge the void nature of the agreement and for a peaceful resolution that respects the right of the Bornean people to self-determination.

As the demonstration came to a close, the organizers reaffirmed their commitment to continue advocating for the independence of Sabah and Sarawak, urging international bodies to intervene and provide the support necessary to end what they consider an unjust occupation.

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