North Borneo or Sabah was created as a *Parliamentary Democratic Country.*In order to be a fully independent parliamentary democratic country, it MUST have *FULLY INDEPENDENT* *Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.* 

These entities are the hallmarks of such a government. Take away one or two or all, and it is no longer a Parliamentary Democratic Country as *together* they form the basis of the *"Doctrine of Separation of Powers" of Government.*

From *31.08.1963 to 24.09.1963* , North Borneo or Sabah was *NOT ABLE to legislate its own laws* because it only had its own Parliament or Legislative Assembly on the 25.09.1963.

That is why prior that date, North Borneo could only pass laws by *Decrees* ("Fatwas") called *ORDINANCES* , such as the Labour Ordinance, Advocates Ordinance, etc., proving that its *decision making* Legislature or Legislative Assembly or Parliament was not fully independent. It only had a unicameral (Single House/Dewan) *Legislative Council* at that point of time.

After that date, Sabah was able to legislate or enact its own laws though its Legislative Assembly and called them *ENACTMENTS* .

Due to the above, North Borneo *had to depend on the British Parliament* to legislate the Malaysia Act 1963 to endorse the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Cobbold Commission Referendum *for and on behalf of North Borneo.*

And the above also proves that prior to 25.09.1963 North Borneo or Sabah or to be precise, *its decision making entity was still controlled by the British Government*

Jack Situn

Source: Jack Situn Facebook

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