2/43rd Australian Infantry Battalion organised a carnival on the 8th August 1945 for the native children of Beaufort, British West Borneo. The 2/43 Battalion entrant Miss Liew Kui Yun is presented with a sash bearing the title 'Miss Beaufort' by VX133 Brigadier Selwyn Havelock Watson Craig Porter, DSO, ED, Commander 24th Australian Infantry Brigade. The children enjoyed all the fun of a carnival; slides, swings, games and native dances. Included in this number is 16mm Kodachrome footage taken by Military History Section photographer, SX16312 Sergeant Keith Carr Rainsford of the same subject; also shows the 2/16th Australian Field Company, RAE building a 140 foot Bailey Bridge spanning the Bongawan River on 9th August 1945. Also identified is VX89030 Lieutenant Colonel William Edward Hanley Stanner.

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