PBK president Voon Lee Shan (left) and the party’s election director, Raymond Thong, at the press conference today.

KUCHING: Sarawak has the right to seek independence from the federation of Malaysia, claims Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan.

Voon, a former DAP man, was responding to Parti Sarawak Bersatu president Wong Soon Koh, who reportedly urged Sarawakians not to be “fooled” by talk of independence on the election campaign trail.

At a press conference today, Voon said it was not seditious to seek the state’s independence, adding that the Federal Constitution did not prohibit it.

“If Sarawak wants to exit Malaysia, it could emulate Singapore. Singapore helped form Malaysia in 1963, but exited Malaysia after negotiations to patch up the sour relationship Singapore had with Malaya failed.

“If it could be treason to seek independence by peaceful means, then Lee Kuan Yew could have been arrested and charged with treason under Section 121 of the Penal Code,” he said.

Voon claimed that most Sarawakians wanted independence for the state, based on “assessments” conducted by his party.

“It is for this reason that PBK will seek independence for Sarawak if the party captures the state government in the 12th Sarawak elections,” he said.

Source: Free Malaysia Today


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