None of the British-inspired federations in the West Indies, Africa and elsewhere remain today.

The exception: The Federated Malay States and the Unfederated Malay States that formed the nucleus in 1948 of the Federation of Malaya that in 1963 gave birth to Malaysia.

The Malayan federal arrangements succeeded because we were united by race and culture.

The Federation of Malaysia was a hatchet job to allow Britain to withdraw with dignity from their colonial responsibility.

The “independence” conferred with indecent haste on their neglected colonies in Borneo was an “enabling act” conditional upon these colonies joining as members of the existing Federation of Malaysia.

It was not the kind of independence as normally understood.

Honestly, Peninsular Malays have nothing much in common with Borneo.

Many in Sabah and Sarawak claim KL treats them as if they were colonies. Let the decolonisation process begin. If that’s the way they feel, KL has no moral right to keep them in shackles. Let them go with our blessings and we concentrate on our little Malay Peninsula. Go back to basics.

Better to anticipate and be prepared rather than be caught by surprise.


I was talking about British inspired federations. Look at East and West Pakistan that the British cobbled together to form the new nation of Pakistan. East and West Malaysia are quite similar in certain respects.

West and East Pakistan

West and East 'Malaysia'

My post is merely to draw attention to the need not to take our federation for granted. To make it work, we have to work at it. On a personal level, it’s not unlike a marriage.

Both parties must work at it to ensure success. There will always be hiccups but if one party persists in threatening separation at the first hint of a disagreement, it is not helpful in the least.

It could be self-fulfilling if not discouraged.

My point is that if it is really the wish of the overwhelming majority who want to opt out, subject to certain conditions for the sake of good order, their wishes must be respected.

I know where the agitation is coming from and I hope the people are aware of the presence of these elements in their midst. Thanks for your helpful comments.

Source: Tunku Aziz

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