August 2020

Melihat kepada Garis Masa (Timeline) ini, mungkin anda dapat melihat secara umum tentang status sebenar negara Sabah dan negara Sarawak. 

Pihak SSKM-SSU(UK) mengambil tahun 1946 sebagai permulaan kepada Garis Masa ini sebagai pendedahan sejarah tentang status kedudukan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak adalah bertujuan untuk membuatkan anda semua faham. Ini juga kerana pada tahun tersebut jugalah negara Malaya wujud sebagai "Malayan Union" yang berstatus "Jajahan Makhota British ataupun Crown Colony of British" yang hanya mampu bertahan sehingga tahun 1948 sahaja sebelum ditukar status kepada "Tanah Naungan British ataupun Protectorate State of British".

Sebelum ini, semasa gambar Garis Masa ini dikongsikan, pihak kami mendapati seperti kurang perhatian diberikan. Apakah ia bermaksud bahawa rakyat negara Sabah dan rakyat negara Sarawak tidak mampu untuk memahami maksud didalam gambar ini? Jikalau itu yang menjadi penyebabnya, maka pihak kami akan berikan penerangan secara ringkas yang mudah difahami oleh anda semua.

TAHUN 1946-1948


Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua (WWII) berakhir pada tahun 1945, negara-negara yang berada dibawah pentadbiran British diletakkan dibawah Pentadbiran Ketenteraan British (British Military Administration - BMA) sementara untuk menunggu ketibaan pemerintahaan rasmi daripada British. Ia termasuklah Malaya (11 negeri), Negara Singapura, Negara North Borneo (kini dikenali sebagai negara Sabah) dan Negara Sarawak. Setelah beberapa bulan dibawah pentadbiran BMA, maka pentadbiran tersebut diserahkan kepada Kerajaan British. Penyerahan pentadbiran tersebut telah menyaksikan bahawa Negara North Borneo dan Negara Sarawak yang dahulunya berstatus "Naungan British ataupun Protectorate State of British" dibawah Pentadbiran British Borneo Chartered Company telah ditukarkan menjadi "Tanah Jajahan Makhota British ataupun Crown Colony of British".

11 buah negeri-negeri Tanah Melayu telah dipersekutukan menjadi satu Kesatuan yang dikenali sebagai Kesatuan Malaya ataupun Malayan Union. Seperti yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi, Malayan Union juga telah diberikan status Tanah Jajahan Makhota British ataupun Crown Colony of British. Namun, pada tahun 1948, setelah penentangan berlaku tanpa henti, akhirnya Malayan Union telah dibubarkan dan diganti dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Federation of Malaya) dengan status dinaiktarafkan menjadi Tanah Naungan British ataupun Protectorate State of British. Dengan status ini juga, negara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) telah melalui proses Berkerajaan Sendiri (Self-Government) sehingga pada tahun 1957 sebelum mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957.

Manakala Negara North Borneo dan Negara Sarawak masih kekal dengan status Tanah Jajahan Makhota British yang ditadbir terus daripada Pejabat Tanah Jajahan di London. Semua kata putus adalah daripada British. Rakyat Negara North Borneo dan rakyat Negara Sarawak tidak mempunyai suara, perwakilan dalam kerajaan ataupun hak dalam menentukan masa depan negara mereka. Itulah keburukan yang dimiliki oleh mana-mana kerajaan yang berstatus "Tanah Jajahan Makhota".

Berbeza pula dengan negara Brunei, statusnya kekal sebagai "Tanah Naungan British ataupun Protectorate State of British" yang masih mempunyai kerajaan dan mempunyai hak untuk bersuara. 

Negara Burma pada waktu itu juga berada dibawah jajahan British dan belum mencapai kemerdekaannya. Burma mencapai kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1947 sekali bersama dengan Negara Sri Lanka yang pada waktu itu dikenali sebagai (Ceylon).

Indonesia dan Philippine pula pada tahun itu sudah mencapai Kemerdekaannya manakalah Thailand satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang tidak pernah dijajah oleh mana-mana negara Barat kerana kepintaran Raja mereka.

TAHUN 1957-1963

Pada Tahun 1957, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) telah mencapai kemerdekaannya daripada British. Pada ketika itu, Negara North Borneo, Negara Sarawak dan Negara Singapura masih berada dibawah Jajahan Makhota British. Namun pada tahun 1959, Negara Singapura sudah mencapai status Berkerajaan Sendiri Sepenuhnya (Full Internal Self-Government). 

Namun, pada tahun 1963, atas dasar tipu muslihat yang didalangi oleh Malaya yang berusaha mempengaruhi keputusan British telah menyebabkan Negara North Borneo, Negara Sarawak dan Negara Singapura terpedaya untuk "membentuk Malaysia" yang kononnya pada 16 September 1963 itu merupakan tarikh dimana sebuah "Persekutuan Baru" dibentuk. Tetapi, hakikatnya tidak pernah ada sebuah Persekutuan Baru dibentuk pada 16 September 1963 di Asia Tenggara. Apa yang baru hanyalah nama Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) yang ditukar ganti menjadi "Malaysia". Perkara ini dapat disahkan melalui keterangan keahlian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) di United Nations (UN).

Pada 16 September 1963, kononnya Negara Sabah, Negara Sarawak dan Negara Singapura diberikan kemerdekaan apabila terbentuknya "Malaysia" namun perkara itu sebenarnya tidak berlaku. Ini kerana "Kuasa Kedaulatan, Kuasa Pentadbiran, Kuasa Perundangan dan Kuasa Kehakiman" tidak diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Negara Sabah, Kerajaan Negara Sarawak dan Kerajaan Negara Singapura. Kuasa-kuasa tersebut telah dipindahkan daripada Ibu Pejabat Pentadbiran Tanah Jajahan British ke Ibu Pejabat Pentadbiran Malaya di Kuala Lumpur.

Kehadiran Perwakilan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) ke Negara North Borneo (Sabah) dan Negara Sarawak adalah hanya untuk meninjau secara umum tanpa sebarang penelitian khusus mahupun memungut memorandum. Kedatangan mereka adalah untuk membuat penilaian mengikut Resolusi UN 1541. Kenyataan tersebut dinyatakan oleh U Thant, yang merupakan Setiausaha Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dalam kesimpulannya hasil laporan daripada tinjauan perwakilan mereka. Beliau dengan tegas menjelaskan bahawa (dalam petikan)...

"...There was no reference to a referendum or plebiscite in the request which was addressed to me. I was asked to ascertain the wishes of the people 'within the context of General Assembly resolution 1541 (xv), principle ix of the annex, by a fresh approach' which in my opinion was necessary 'to ensure complete compliance with the principle of Self-Determination within the requirements embodied in principle ix', taking into consideration certain questions relating to the recent elections. The mission accordingly arranged for consultations with the population through the elected representatives of the people, leaders of political parties and other groups and organisations, and with all person who were willing to express their views, and every effort was made to ascertain the wishes of the special groups (political detainees and absentees) mentioned in the Manila joint statement. The mission gathered and studied all available documents, reports and other material on the governmental institutions, political organisation, electoral process in the two territories, and other matters relevant to its term of reference..."

Report of UN mission to Malaysia: inward telegram OCULAR 1441 Sir P Dean to Lord Home, forwarding the text of U Thant's final conclusions.

Dalam erti kata lain, ketika membentuk "Malaysia", Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak sebenarnya masih lagi berstatus "Tanah Jajahan". Walau bagaimanapun, Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak sungguh bernasib baik kerana sebelum 16 September 1963, status Negara North Borneo (31 Ogos 1963) dan Negara Sarawak (22 Julai 1963) sudah mencapai status "Berkerajaan Sendiri (Self-Government)" dan pada 16 September 1963, ia telah mencapai Berkerajaan Sendiri Sepenuhnya (Full Internal Self-Government) setelah Jawatan Yang Dipertua Negara dan Governor dipegang oleh rakyat Negara Sabah dan rakyat Negara Sarawak.

Hujah dan kenyataan pihak SSKM-SSU(UK) ini dapat disokong melalui beberapa bukti. Antaranya ialah;
  1. Akbar Lama yang merekod kenyataan Donald Stephen, Stephen Kalong Ningkan dan Lee Kuan Yew.
  2. Kenyataan British
  3. Kenyataan UN
Bukti-bukti ini akan dikeluarkan pada artikel seterusnya nanti.

TAHUN 1965

Namun, setelah Malaysia dibentuk pada 16 September 1963, malaya dengan bersungguh-sungguh telah memulakan rentak penindasannya untuk mengganggu pentadbiran rakan-rakannya. Ia dimulai dengan Negara Singapura. Kerajaan Malaya yang telah dikenali sebagai Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia selepas 16 September 1963 telah cuba untuk mencampuri urusan pentadbiran Negara Singapura dengan memaksa Kerajaan Negara Singapura untuk tunduk kepada arahan mereka. Keadaan menjadi tegang apabila Kerajaan Negara Singapura dibawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri mereka, Lee Kuan Yew menentang campur tangan Kerajaan Malaya kerana ia boleh ditafsirkan sebagai perlanggaran kefahaman asas pembentukan Malaysia yang telah dipersetujui sebelum ini. Perkara ini berlarutan sehingga pada 7 Ogos 1965, ia telah membawa kepada perpisahan dan Tunku Abdul Rahman telah mengistiharkan secara rasmi perpisahan tersebut pada 9 Ogos 1965. 

Antara punca-punca yang membawa kepada perpisahan Negara Singapura daripada Malaysia adalah seperti berikut:
  1. Disagreement over Common Market (Percanggahan Pendapat tentang Pasaran Bersama)
  2. Different Treatment of Races (Perbezaan Layanan Kaum)
  3. "Malaysian Malaysia Campaign" (Kempen Malaysian Malaysia)
  4. Different Political Ideology (Perbezaan Ideologi Politik)
  5. Political Rivalry between PAP and Alliance Party (Persaingan Politik antara PAP dan Parti Perikatan - kini dikenali sebagai Barisan Nasional).
Hanya 5 Faktor utama sahaja yang membawa kepada Perpisahan ini. Bagaimana pula dengan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak? Pihak kami sangat yakin bahawa terdapat lebih daripada 5 faktor yang akan menjustifikasikan sebab-sebab apa yang membolehkan perpisahan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak dilakukan. Perkara ini akan diulaskan dengan lebih panjang dan teliti pada artikel seterusnya nanti.

Setelah berpisah, Negara Singapura telah menjadi Republik Negara Singapura dan menjadi ahli anggota ASEAN dan PBB. Negara Singapura telah menjadi setaraf dengan Malaysia hasil jelmaan Malaya. Manakala Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak pula masih kekal menjadi jajahan Malaya yang bertopengkan Malaysia. Penghinaan itu dapat dirasai apabila status Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak telah menjadi 'negeri' dan setaraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya yang sebenarnya hanya berstatus 'Daerah' sahaja di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak. 

Negara Singapura juga telah berjaya mengembalikan kedudukannya untuk setaraf dengan negara-negara di ASEAN dan DUNIA manakala kedudukan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak masih sedang menanti untuk kembali ke kedudukan asal. Atas sebab itu gambar Garis Masa memperlihatkan kekosongan pada nombor 3 dan 4 bagi menyampaikan mesej bahawa Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak MESTI berusaha untuk mengembalikan maruah dan darjat bangsa Borneo ini. Kita mesti keluar daripada kepompong penjajahan yang hina, jijik dan kotor ini. Langkah awal yang perlu dilakukan ialah dengan menyingkirkan dakyah dan ideologi politik malaya! Itu adalah tugas Pertama yang perlu dilakukan. Tolak sokongan terhadap parti-parti malaya yang berleluasa di Bumi Borneo ini.

TAHUN 1984

Pada tahun 1984 pula, negara Brunei telah mencapai status Merdeka dan bebas daripada jajahan British secara rasmi. Manakala Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak masih lagi berada dibawah regim jajahan malaya sehingga kini.

Masa depan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak kini terletak ditangan Generasi-Generasi Muda. Ini kerana kepimpinan baru bakal mengubah landskap politik Borneo dan Malaya. Sentimen untuk menyokong Parti-parti tempatan kini kian mendapat tempat dan semangat Nasionalisme dan Patriotisme semakin dapat dihayati, difahami dan diserap oleh semua rakyat Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak. Kepimpinan Malaya kini dilihat sebagai Parasit yang menumpang hasil kekayaan Borneo untuk terus hidup. Hati Bangsa Borneo kini sudah semakin keras dan kental untuk tidak lagi memberi peluang dan ruang untuk penindasan dan penjajahan ini berterusan kerana jikalau itu berlaku, masa depan generasi bangsa Borneo di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak akan terus malap.
Pada tahun bilakah Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak akan mencapai Kemerdekaan sebenar?

Ia terpulang kepada tahap kesedaran dan keberanian rakyat negara Sabah dan rakyat negara Sarawak. Kemerdekaan ini tidak akan dapat dicapai selagi tiada PERPADUAN kerana ia adalah SYARAT ASAS untuk berjaya. Untuk mencapai Perpadauan ini, ia mestilah ditonjolkan melalui Sokongan Politik Tempatan. Ini kerana perjuangan ini sememangnya melibatkan kuasa politik.

Sekarang adakah anda sudah faham? Jikalau ya, sila sebarkan artikel ini bersama sekali dengan gambar Garis Masa agar kefahaman itu jelas difahami oleh semua rakyat Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak.

The movement for self determination has taken 10 years to accomplish Sabah people's victories. Through mobilization of mass movements, to building Forums, to policy advocacy & lobby etc; Sabah peoples can take note of these accomplishments and celebrate them in 2020. While the peoples struggles continue, the future is yet to be defined on how the movement will expand in the international stage. What are the key battles ahead? What are the victories we want to see beyond 2020?

The Philippine claim to the territory of North Borneo, or as it is now called, Sabah, is not of recent origin. Rather it is based on an older claim to the area by the Sultans of Sulu. But the Sulu claim itself is suspect.

A look at the background of the status of North Borneo is therefore essential to understanding the nature of the dispute.

Alfred Dent was the son of Thomas Dent of Dent and Company, the great commercial house of Hong kong and had himself been connected with the firm in Hong kong for years before removing to London.

Austrian Baron Gustav von Overbeck had served as Austrian Consul in Hong kong.

In January I878 Sultan Mohammed Jamalul Alam, granted a portion of North Borneo, which he claimed, to an international syndicate headed by Dent and Overbeck.

A few weeks before this grant was made, in December I877, the Sultan of Brunei had ceded North Borneo, including the whole of the area claimed by Sulu, to von Overbeck and Dent.

Although recognized as sovereign over the Sulu Archipelago it is not at all certain that the Sulu Sultans held sovereignty over any part of North Borneo.

What is clear is that they never held de facto control there. Until I878, power along the coast of Northeast Borneo was in the hands of pirates, mainly the Illanun and Balagnini but including some Sulus. Because of the problems with piracy and attacks on coastal villages, most natives moved far inland, up the rivers or across the mountain ranges for safety.

It is the nature of the grant of territory and the use of the word "pajak" in the agreement signed between Dent and Overbeck and the Sultan of Sulu that was the basis of contention even till today as a basis of the present Philippine claim on Sabah.

The matter goes back to the translation of "cede" and "lease" which, at the time, was done via interpreters who may have not used the correct terms when helping to pen and translate the agreements. What is obvious is, in the minds of Dent and Overbeck and to the British Government later in the late 1800s, the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei had both ceeded control over North Borneo to the North Borneo Company.

The Sulu's did not make any claims over North Borneo till 1939, so over 50 years had passed before the Sulu's decided to make a claim for North Borneo under the ancestors who came afterwards.

But, they also chose to ignore two subsequent agreements signed in the late 1800s between Spain and Britain and then the Madrid Protocol which the Sultan of Sulu signed and re-affirmed that he had indeed ceeded North Borneo and a number of islands to the British. This was clearly written in this agreement. This is the basis for which the Philippine government have chosen to ignore (deliberately) the agreement signed that re-confirmed there was no more confusion as to who owned North Borneo.

When von Overbeck arrived in Sandakan in I878, the first villages were found sixty miles up the rivers (Telupid). Those few communities which remained along the coast were primarily supply bases for the pirate fleets.

The northwest coast from Marudu Bay to Brunei town was relatively free from pirate raids after the destruction of the Illanun fortified town of Tempasuk in I869 by British gunboats.

Chiefs of this coast looked to Brunei in a vague way as overlord. Several rivers on this coast were under the control of independent local chiefs or datos who, when convenient, recognized the Sultan of Brunei as their leader, and they, as his vassals.

As in 1877, the Brunei Sultanate then still believed and maintained that the territory of North Borneo was in fact still under the control of the Brunei Sultanate.

Baron de Overbeck was appointed as the Maharaja Sabah, Rajah Gaya and Sandakan in a treaty which was signed by Sultan Abdul Momin of Brunei on 29 December 1877.

Baron de Overbeck was also appointed as Dato Bendahara and Raja Sandakan in a second treaty signed by Sultan Jamalalulazam of Sulu appointing Baron de Overbeck on 22 January 1878.

Dent bought out von Overbeck and organized the British North Borneo Company. Under a charter from the British crown, the company administered North Borneo until 1946 when it became a crown colony.


1-Historical Notes of the North Borneo Dispute-Aaron Leigh

2-CHARTER granted to the British North Borneo Company, Westminster, November 1st, 1881. (Document from British Archives)

3-BRITISH NORTH BORNEO, 1885. PROTOCOL OF 1885. (Document from British Archives)

Dear Sir,

There simply is no truth in your assertion that the Philippines has any sort of claim on North Borneo or Sabah. Kindly read the below:

Madrid Protocols

As attested to by the International Court of Justice, the Sultan of Sulu relinquished the sovereign rights over all his possessions in favour of Spain, based on the "Bases of Peace and Capitulation" signed by the Sultan of Sulu and the crown of Spain in Jolo on 22 July 1878.(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
The Sultan stayed on as ruler in protectorate status.(16)

In 1885, Great Britain, Germany, and Spain signed the Madrid Protocol to cement Spanish influence over the islands of the Philippines. In the same agreement, Spain relinquished all claims to North Borneo which had belonged to the Sultanate in the past in favour of Great Britain.(17)

The Spanish Government renounces, as far as regards the British Government, all claims of sovereignty over the territories of the continent of Borneo, which belong, or which have belonged in the past to the Sultan of Sulu (Jolo), and which comprise the neighbouring islands of Balambangan, Banguey, and Malawali, as well as all those comprised within a zone of three maritime leagues from the coast, and which form part of the territories administered by the Company styled the "British North Borneo Company".

— as stated in "Article III, Madrid Protocol of 1885"

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties defines a treaty as "an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation." (1)

Treaties can be referred to by a number of different names: international conventions, international agreements, covenants, final acts, charters, memorandums of understandings (MOUs), protocols, pacts, accords, and constitutions for international organizations. Usually these different names have no legal significance in international law (see next section for the difference in U.S. law). Treaties may be bilateral (two parties) or multilateral (between several parties) and a treaty is usually only binding on the parties to the agreement. An agreement "enters into force" when the terms for entry into force as specified in the agreement are met. Bilateral treaties usually enter into force when both parties agree to be bound as of a certain date.(1)

In 1761, The East India Company concluded a treaty with the Sultan of Sulu. The following year, an English Fleet, under Admiral Drake and Sir William Daper captured Manila, the Capital of Spanish colony of the Philippines. They found in confinement there a Sultan of Sulu who, in gratitude for his release, ceded to the company, on the 12th September 1762, the island of Balambangan, and in January of the following year, Mr.Dalrymple was deputed to take possession of it and hoist the British flag.

Towards the close of 1763, the Sultan of Sulu added to his cession the northern portion of Borneo and the Southern half of Palawan, together with all the intermediate islands.

Against all these cession, the Spanish entered their protest. Spanish claimed the suzerainty over the Sulu Archipelago and the Sulu Dependencies in Borneo and the islands. This claim the Spaniards always persisted in, until on the 7th March 1885, a Protocol was entered into by England, Germany and Spain whereby Spanish supremacy over the Sulu Archipelago was recognised on condition of their abandoning all claims to the portions of the Northern Borneo which are now included in the British North Borneo Company's  Concessions.

I will also explain to you what you obviously do not understand about the agreement signed between the British and the Sultan of Sulu and Sultan of Brunei that allowed the North Borneo Company to take over North Borneo.

The 1878 agreement was written in the Jawi script, in which the following pargraph is stated: 

".....sudah kuredhai pajakan dengan keredhaan dan kesukaan kita sendiri kepada tuan Gustavus Baron von Overbeck yang tinggal dalam negeri Hong Kong dan kepada Alfred Dent Esquire yang tinggal dalam negeri London... sampai selama-lamanya sekalian perintah dan kuasa yang kita punya yang takluk kepada kita di tanah besar Pulau Borneo dari Sungai Pandasan di sebelah barat sampai sepanjang semua tanah di pantai sebelah timur sejauh Sungai Sibuku di sebelah selatan. (2)

The keyword in the agreement is the "ambiguous" term "pajakan," a malay word. However, the British used the interpretation of the word was "grant and cede". (3) (4) (5) (6)

It CAN be argued "pajakan" means "mortgage" or "pawn" or even "wholesale" and not so much "lease" as per the contemporary meaning of "pajakan" in Sulu and Malay, which essentially means that the land is pawned in perpetuity for the annual cession money, and the sultanate would need to repay the ENTIRE infinite value of the territory to redeem it back if the British ever agreed to even sell it back to them. There is no further details on what those terms are or would be if the Sultan of Sulu ever wanted to purchase back his claim on North Borneo in the agreement and this agreement is considered by historians as akin to a "sale and purchase agreement" of land. (7) (8)

Furthermore, the term "selama-lama" which means "forever" or "in perpetuity" indicate a binding effect beyond the lifetime of the then Sultan and that the supposed territory is now considered SOLD which rules out any claims of a mortgage or even a time lease for the territory to have ever been leased in the first place.

The ambiguity led to the different interpretation of the original Malay text, as shown in two versions below:

British version

"...hereby grant and cede of our own free and sovereign will to Gustavus Baron de Overbeck of Hong Kong and Alfred Dent Esquire of London...and assigns for ever and in perpetuity all the rights and powers belonging to us over all the territories and lands being tritutary to us on the mainland of the island of Borneo commencing from the Pandassan River on the north-west coast and extending along the whole east coast as far as the Sibuco River in the south..."(3)

Sulu version

" hereby lease of our own freewill and satisfaction to...all the territories and lands being tributary to [us] together with their heirs, associates, successors and assigns forever and until the end of time, all rights and powers which we possess over all territories and lads tributary to us on the mainland of the Island of Borneo, commencing from the Pandassan River on the west coast to Maludu Bay, and extending along the whole east coast as far as Sibuco River on the south..."(9)

Throughout the British administration of North Borneo, the British government continued to make the annual "cession money" payment to the Sultan and its heir and these payments were expressly shown in the receipts as "cession money". (10)

 In a 1961 conference in London, during which a Philippine and British panel met to discuss on the Philippine claim of North Borneo, the British panel informed the Congressman Salonga that the wording of the receipts has not been challenged by the Sultan or its heir. (10)

Avtar Þórr Singh (Sejarah North Borneo/ Sabah Moderator)
So, now looking at the greater scheme of things, what exactly are you claiming? There simply is no claim the Philippines can   ever make on North Borneo nor Sabah. Whatever "rights" both parties think they have on Sabah ended when the Sultan of Sulu gave away North Borneo not ONCE, not TWICE but THREE TIMES in 3 different agreements or treaties signed. 

Who gave the western powers the right to do as they pleased in North Borneo? Very simple. Both the Sultan of Brunei and Sultan of Sulu did by signing the agreements they did which ENDED any further claims they may have had on North Borneo in the future.

I hope this EXTENSIVE explanation ends this issue once and for all.

Thank you. References are below for you to read for further clarification and understanding.


(1)-Duke University.

(2)-Hamdan Aziz (2016). "Tuntutan Kesultanan Sulu terhadap Sabah: Soroton dari Perspektif Sejarah dan Perundangan (The Claim Over Sabah by the Sultanate of Sulu: A Revision from Historical and Legal Perspective)" (PDF). Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu (in Malay). 9: 284–285 – via Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

(3)- British Government (1878). "British North Borneo Treaties. (British North Borneo, 1878)" (PDF). Sabah State Government (State Attorney-General's Chambers). Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 September 2015. 

(4)-Najeeb Mitry Saleeby (1908). The History of Sulu. Ethnological Survey for Philippine Islands (Illustrated ed.). Bureau of Printing, Harvard University. pp. 225–233. OCLC 3550427. 

(5)-Maxwell, Willian George & Gibson, Willian Summer (1998). Treaties and Engagements Affecting the Malay States and Borneo. J. Truscott & Son, Limited. p. 205.

(6)- "1878 Grant of Lease by the Sultan of Sulu to Britain: Profession Conklin Translation vis a vis Maxwell and Gibson Translation". Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. 

(7)-Mohamed Ariff (1991). The Muslim Private Sector in Southeast Asia: Islam and the Economic Development of Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. pp. 30–. ISBN 978-981-3016-09-5.

(8)-K.J. Allison (1979). "English Pilipino Sama Sibutu', BASIC VOCABULARY" (PDF). SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS-Philippines, Inc., TRANSLATORS. p. 59.

(9)-"Translation by Professor Conklin of the Deed of 1878 in Arabic characters found by Mr. Quintero in Washington (Philippine Claim to North Borneo)". Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
(10)- "Philippine Claim to North Borneo, Volume 2". Bureau of Printing. 1967. 

(11)-International Court of Justice (2003). Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions, and Orders of the International Court of Justice, 1997-2002. United Nations Publications. pp. 268–. ISBN 978-92-1-133541-5.

(12)-"Protocol between Spain and Sulu confirming the Bases of Peace and Capitulation etc., signed at Jolo". Oxford Historical Treaties. 22 July 1878

(13)-Case Concerning of Sovereignty of Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia) [Memorial of Malaysia]" (PDF). International Court of Justice. 2 November 1999.

(14)-Raymond Tombung (8 March 2013). "Sabah claim: A tale of two versions". Free Malaysia Today. Archived from the original on 3 October 2016.

(15)-The last treaty between the Sultanate of Sulu and Spain, the Treaty of July 1878". Kahimyang. 21 July 2013. 

(16)-British Government (1885). "British North Borneo Treaties. (British North Borneo, 1885)" (PDF). Sabah State Government (State Attorney-General's Chambers). Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013

Pihak Republic of Sabah North Borneo -RSNB ingin memberikan kenyataan rasmi terhadap tindakan pemimpin-pemimpin tempatan termasuk Kerajaan Negara Sabah yang telah memperlihatkan usaha untuk menyesatkan dan memperbodohkan rakyat Negara Sabah tentang 'Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia' pada 31 Ogos bulan ini.

Hari Kemerdekaan Malaya dan kini dipanggil Hari Kemerdekaan/Kebangsaan Malaysia?

Tindakan pihak Kerajaan Negara Sabah yang telah mempromosikan 'Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia' pada 31 Ogos ini adalah sebenarnya bertujuan untuk mengaburi mata dan akal kewarasan rakyat Negara Sabah.

Perubahan 'sebutan' daripada 'Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia' kepada 'Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia' yang merujuk kepada 'Hari' yang mana 'Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ataupun Malaya' memperolehi Kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 adalah untuk mengelakkan ia daripada 'diboikot' oleh rakyat Borneo.

 Ini adalah kerana tarikh tersebut TIDAK mempunyai signifikan ataupun kepentingan sejarah kepada rakyat dikedua-dua kepulauan Borneo. Ini juga disebabkan pada waktu Malaya mencapai Kemerdekaannya, Negara Sabah (North Borneo) dan Negara Sarawak masih lagi menjadi Tanah Jajahan British.

Apakah sebenarnya justifikasi ataupun alasan yang menghalalkan perbuatan terkutuk ini?

Mentaliti Terjajah

Setelah 57 tahun Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak 'membentuk Malaysia', corak dan daya pemikiran rakyat Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak telah 'dimalayanisasikan ataupun dimalaysianisasikan' dengan objektif untuk melemahkan, melunturkan, menghapuskan identiti serta budaya yang unik dan istimewa, yang jelas sungguh jauh berbeza dengan orang-orang di Tanah Melayu. Dengan memiliki mentaliti yang terjajah, ia akan membuatkan rakyat di wilayah yang terjajah ini tertunduk dan mengakui kekuasaan kedaulatan sang penjajah keatas diri mereka! Kesannya, ini menyebabkan rakyat yang terjajah tidak mempunyai kekuatan, semangat dan keberanian untuk bangkit menegakkan hak-hak mereka yang dirampas dan dirobek melalui penguasaan kuasa politik di tanah tumpah darah mereka.

Menyembunyikan Kebenaran

Pemimpin-pemimpin Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak dahulunya bersetuju untuk 'membentuk sebuah Negara Baru yang dinamakan Malaysia' yang dianggotai oleh EMPAT buah Negara. Malangnya, lain yang dipinta, lain yang diberikan. Usaha untuk menyembunyikan penipuan akhirnya terbongkar apabila informasi tentang pembentukan Malaysia sebenarnya adalah bertujuan untuk 'meluaskan Tanah Melayu sehingga ke Tanah Borneo'. Rekod di Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN) membuktikan bahawa Malaysia itu adalah 'Nama Baru' bagi Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ataupun Federation of Malaya. Ia BUKAN SEBUAH NEGARA BARU TETAPI ADALAH NEGARA MALAYA YANG TELAH MENJENAMAKAN DIRI MEREKA!

Penghinaan Bangsa

Tindakan mengibarkan bendera Malaya ataupun Malaysia di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak terutama sekali pada 'Hari Kemerdekaan Malaya/Malaysia sebenarnya adalah merupakan satu PENGHINAAN PENUH kepada rakyat Borneo. Malaya yang kini dikenali sebagai Malaysia telah MENJAJAH anda dan dengan penuh kegembiraan anda telah mengibarkannya? Hasil ekonomi dan kuasa politik anda dipegang oleh sang PENJAJAH dan anda BERSYUKUR?!

Pembangunan ekonomi 'dilembabkan' melalui 'dasar kabotaj' sehingga kos hidup di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak tinggi sehingga mencekik leher dan anda BERSYUKUR?!

Hasil sumber Gas dan Petroleum yang ada di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak untuk dinikmati oleh rakyat tempatan tetapi dikuasai oleh Malaya/Malaysia dan hanya diberikan 'secebis tinggalan keuntungan' anda BERSYUKUR?!

Sedarlah Wahai Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak

Sebenarnya kita mempunyai kemampuan dan jauh lebih baik untuk mentadbir Negara sendiri. Kita memiliki segala-galanya namun kekurangan yang wujud pada masa ini ialah pemilikan Kuasa Kedaulatan, Kuasa Perundangan yang membawa pengertian kepada Kuasa Kemerdekaan telah diikat oleh rantai kuasa penjajahan Malaya atas nama Malaysia. Kunci kepada penyelesaian ini adalah melalui penguasaan Kuasa Politik yang MESTI dipegang sepenuhnya oleh Rakyat Tempatan yang Pro Sabahan and Pro Sarawakian sahaja, yang akan mampu memutuskan rantai kesengsaraan, penghinaan dan penjajahan ini.

 Kemampuan kita untuk meramalkan masa depan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak dalam tempoh 10, 50 ataupun 100 tahun daripada sekarang semuanya bergantung kepada tindakan yang kita ambil pada hari ini.

"Tiada masa untuk berdiam kerana masanya telah tiba. Tiada erti untuk berputus asa kerana ini baru bermula. Kuatkanlah hatimu tempuhi cabaran, kita perlu bersatu hati. Perjuangan ini, bebaskan negara dari kuasa peluntur bangsa!"

Yang Benar,

Republic of Sabah North Borneo - RSNB

Add caption
Good day, all.

Please be aware of the fake news spreading around social media about the Philippines claiming Sabah. You can play your part by NOT sharing fake news and understanding the history of North Borneo.

Sabah cannot be claimed by the Philippines for several reasons. Let me elaborate.

In 1885, Spain and Britain signed the MADRID PROTOCOL which confirms that all islands or properties PREVIOUSLY under the control of the Sultan of Sulu but held by the British would be awarded to the British.

This means that any use of the word "pajak" or "lease" in previous agreements signed BECOMES IRRELEVANT now as the Spanish, having conquered the Philippines had given the British sole custody of North Borneo and her islands.

This was further cemented under the Americans who conquered the Suluk Kingdom with the agreement signed in 1903 which confirms that the word MENYERAHKAN is included in the agreement to ensure there is NO CONFUSION with North Borneo being property under the British trading company and that there can no longer be any future claims for North Borneo by any parties.

Any monies paid as per the agreement in 1903 were compensation for the Suluk kingdom with no fixed timeline of payments nor adjustments for the increase in amounts payable.

The money previously paid by the British and subsequently the Malaysian governments were NOT LEASE payments.

Example: You sell your land to a willing buyer (buyer A). You sign a sale and purchase agreement to transfer the title of your property to buyer A. You then ask for an allowance paid to you but do not state for how long and if the amount of money will increase over time. Your agreement is with buyer A. Not with anyone else. Buyer A agrees.

Fast forward 60 years and Sabah joins the federation to form Malaysia. Sabah takes over ownership via independence from the British.

Is the Suluk allowance still payable since the British (buyer A) have handed over ownership of North Borneo to the natives of North Borneo (buyer 😎)?

This is debatable but clearly, the Malaysian government decided to carry on the payments on a goodwill basis until 2013 when the payments stopped.

So, if we keep things as simple as possible, do the heirs of Sultan of Sulu from 1903 have a claim on North Borneo?

No. This was reinforced twice in 2 agreements which ensured there was no confusion.

The first in 1885 and then again in 1903 which re-affirmed that there can be no claims in the future as these 2 agreements were much clearer in definition and in legal terms as to who owned North Borneo and who didn't. These 2 agreements made sure the Suluk Kingdom could not make future claims because they had given up any right to make a claim by signing the agreements in 1885 and again in 1903.

Avtar Þórr Singh ( Sejarah North Borneo / Sabah Moderator)
So, please, before you let stories like this which are FAKE NEWS upset you, understand the true history of North Borneo which is lacking at the moment because our own school books do not educate our youth.

If you yourself understand the history and the agreements, you can correct others who are spreading fake news and causing confusion within the community.

Let us do our part to EDUCATE fellow Sabahan's and not to get upset by these fake news stories.

Thank you.

This being the last treaty entered into by the Sultanate of Sulu and Spain, may be considered to define the final relation that existed between them and the exact position which Sulu occupied in the Philippine Archipelago during the last period of the Spanish régime. The best account of this relation is given in the words of the treaty itself. Careful translations of which have been prepared from both the Spanish and Sulu texts and are herein presented for full information.

Translation of the Spanish Copy of the Treaty

Decree, Office of the Governor-General of the Philippines, Manila, August 19, 1878.

The Supreme Government having approved the bases of pacification and capitulation which are submitted through me to his Majesty, the King, by the Sultan of Sulu and the Datus of Sulu, and the act to that effect, which I confirmed and ratified on the 15th instant, having been drafted and signed by the commission appointed for that purpose by me in representation of my authority, and the Sultan and Datus, in representation of the sultanate of Sulu, I hereby direct that a copy of said act be published in the Official Gazette of Manila, in order that said bases be officially and publicly known.


An Act drafted on the bases of pacification and capitulation presented by the Sultan of Sulu and the Datus to His Majesty the King Alfonso XII, through His Excellency the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, acknowledging the sovereignty of Spain over the territory of this sultanate.

In the town of Likup, Sulu, and in the palace of His Excellency the Sultan of this Archipelago, on the 20th of July 1878, 23rd day of the month Rajab, year of the Hegira 1295:

Present: Carlos Martinez y Romero, Colonel of Infantry and Politico-Military Governor of Jolo, Francisco Fernandez de Alarcon y García, Colonel of Marine Corps, Frigate Captain and Commander of the Naval Station of Jolo, and interpreters, Alejo Alvarez y Villasis and Pedro Ortuoste y García, these constituting a commission representing His Excellency, the Governor-General of the Philippines:

Also present: Padukka Mahasari Mawlana, Sultan Mohammed Jamalul AÊ¿lam and the Datus Padukka Raja Muda, Mohammed Badarud Din, the Padukka Mohammed Zaynul Ê¿Abidin Raja Lawut, the Padukka Datu Mohammed Harun ar-Rashid and the Datu Padukka Muluk Bandarasa, in the name and representation of the Sultanate of Sulu;

The object of the meeting was to read and sign the articles of pacification and capitulation presented by the Sultan and Datus to the Governor-General on February 24th, of this year, and approved by His Majesty Alfonso XII, on May 3rd last; the reading of the articles being proceeded with as follows: Bases of pacification and capitulation presented by the Sultan and Datus of Sulu, to his Majesty the King of Spain Don Alfonso XII, through His Excellency the Governor-General of the Philippines, acknowledging the sovereignty of the King of Spain over the territory of the said sultanate.

Article 1. We declare that the sovereignty to Spain over all the Archipelago of Sulu and its dependencies is indisputable, and as a natural consequence of this declaration we constitute ourselves loyal subjects of His Majesty King Alfonso XII, and of his successors to the power.

Article 2. The Spanish Government shall give the Sultan a yearly salary of 2,400 pesos, 700 to the heir of the sultanate Datu Badarud- Din and 600 to each of the Datus Padukka Raja Lawut Zaynul Ê¿Abidin, Padukka Datu Harun ar-Rashid, Padukka Datu Muluk Bandarasa Pula, members of the Sultan’s Council, to compensate them in some way for the losses they have suffered.

Article 3. Spain has the right to occupy such points in the Sulu Archipelago and its dependencies as may seem necessary to the Spanish authorities, respecting towns, families and property; in case of forcible appropriation for the public good, compensation shall be paid according to appraisement; we beg that exception be made for the land extending from Sinungan Point to the south coast of Kadungdung, which we would use for our residences; it could be occupied by the Government in case of war with a foreign power.

Article 4. The Sultan shall be empowered to collect duties from foreign merchants and ships trading with places not occupied by the Government.

Article 5. The Sultan shall be allowed to communicate directly with the Governor-General whenever he has a complaint to make against the Governor, or the commander of war ships.

Article 6. The Sultan shall be authorized to issue licenses to carry muzzle-loading firearms when requested by Sulus, after presenting two honorably known witnesses who will guarantee their proper use both on land and sea.

Article 7. The Sultan shall be allowed to issue passports to Sulu craft; but when any of said craft has to leave the Sulu Archipelago, the owners will first have to go before the Governor; the principal datus and some other persons serving under commissions from the Sultan are to be excepted from this formality; but the Sultan shall report all such cases to the Governor.

Article 8. We will use all our efforts to cause pirates and malefactors to desist from their evil inclinations; and, if we can not prevent them, we will inform the Governor of Jolo for him to take the necessary measures, whenever we know the whereabouts of said pirates and malefactors; but we will not be held responsible if we have no information concerning them; we furthermore agree to render all assistance in our power in running down such pirates and malefactors.

Article 9. We shall be allowed the free exercise of our religion and customs. Catholic missionaries will have liberty to visit and reside in any place in Sulu, and its dependencies, and will give us notice before going, so that in case of danger we may furnish an escort; failure to give us notice will relieve us from all responsibility for any mishap that may befall them. The same caution applies to any European or Christian Indian native who may wish to visit the interior.

Article 10. We pledge ourselves to deliver to the Spaniards all Christian delinquents and criminals, and all Moros in the same case shall be returned to us.

Article 11. Sulu and its dependencies shall raise the Spanish flag on vessels and in towns; however, if a boat does not fly said flag it shall not be held at fault if it has a passport; at the place of the Sultan’s residence he shall fly the Spanish war flag.

Article 12. All the articles of the foregoing capitulation shall be observed without alteration, except by mutual agreement.

Both commissions unanimously agreeing to the foregoing articles as read, said articles being identical with those whose copies were in the hands of the Governor and of the Sultan of Sulu, the latter and the persons with them signed this document on the spot, place, day, month and year aforesaid.

The Sultan of Sulu,—His rubric and stamp,—the Governor of Sulu, Carlos Martinez,—Mohammed Harun ar-Rashid,—the Commander of the Naval Station, Francisco Fernandez de Alarcon y García,—Mohammed Zaynul Ê¿Abidin,—Mohammed Badarud Din,—Mohammed Pula,—interpreters, Alejo Alvarez, Pedro Ortuoste.

I, Don Domingo Moriones y Murillo, Lieutenant-General of the National Army, Marquis de Oroquieta, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of San Hermenegildo, of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Carlos III, of that of Military Merit, Red and White, and many others for feats of arms, Governor and Captain-General of the Philippine Islands, etc., etc., in the name of His Majesty the King of Spain, Alfonso XII, whom God keep, do confirm and ratify the above act of pacification and capitulation, in all its parts.

Manila, August 15, 1878.—Domingo Moriones.—True copy.—Tomas Aguirre de Mena.

Translation of the Sulu Text of the Treaty of 1878

This document is intended to confirm the treaty which was agreed upon by Padukka Mahasari Mawlana Sultan Mohammed Jamalul AÊ¿lam and all the datus and chiefs of Sulu. These statements which we make shall be sent to His Majesty, the King of Spain, Don Alfonso XII, through His Excellency the Governor- General of the Philippines. All the country that the Sultan rules shall obey the orders of the King of Spain.

This in Likup, in the palace of Padukka Mahasari Mawlana Sultan Mohammed Jamalul AÊ¿lam, on Monday the 22nd of July, 1878 A. D., or the 23rd of Rajab, 1295 A. H.

There met the Politico-Military Governor of Sulu, Señor Don Carlos Martinez y Romero, Colonel of Infantry; and the Commander of the Naval Station of Sulu, Colonel of Marine Infantry and Frigate Captain, Señor Don Francisco Fernandez de Alarcon y García and Señor Captain Alejo Alvarez, and Señor Don Pedro Ortuoste y García, the representatives of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Philippines.

Also present: Padukka Mahasari Mawlana Sultan Mohammed Jamalul AÊ¿lam of Sulu, and Padukka Datu Mohammed Badarud Din, and Padukka Datu Raja Lawut Mohammed Zaynul Ê¿Abidin, and Padukka Datu Muluk Bandarasa Mohammed Pula, and Padukka Datu Mohammed Harun ar-Rashid who are properly obeyed by all their subjects.

The object of the meeting was to read, confirm, and sign the agreement presented by Padukka Mahasari Mawlana Sultan Mohammed Jamalul AÊ¿lam and all the datus, to His Excellency the Governor-General, on the 22nd day of Safar, 1295 A. H., or the 24th of February, 1878 A. D., which was approved by His Majesty the King of Spain, Alfonso XII, on the 3rd day of May, of this year, or the 2nd of Jamadil-Awal.

The following is the copy of the statements that were read:

This is the treaty of Spain with the Sultan and Datus of Sulu which was sent to His Majesty the King of Spain, Don Alfonso XII, through His Excellency the Governor-General of the Philippines.

Article I. All the people of Sulu and its Archipelago shall obey only the King of Spain, Alfonso XII, or whosoever shall succeed him. This being our wish, we will not change or turn away to any other nation.

Article II. The Spanish Government shall pay the Sultan an annual salary of 2,400 pesos, Mexican currency, and Padukka Datu Raja Muda Mohammed Badarud Din 700 pesos. It shall also pay 600 pesos to each of the three following datus, namely: Padukka Datu Raja Lawut Mohammed Zaynul Ê¿Abidin, Padukka Datu Muluk Bandarasa Mohammed Pula, and Padukka Datu Mohammed Harun ar-Rashid; this is to compensate them for the losses they suffered.

Article III. The Spanish Government may occupy any place it chooses along the northern coast of the island, from Sinungan to Bwal and as far as Kadungdung, but the southern coast of the island from Kadungdung to Sinungan shall be left for the Sultan; on condition, however, that it may be occupied by the Spanish Government in case of trouble with foreigners, at any future time. In case the plantations or fields of the people are appropriated for such occupation, they shall be compensated for. Houses, however, shall not be removed.

Article IV. The Sultan shall have the right to collect duties from all foreign merchants and ships of whatever nationality they may be, in case they come to our ports; but we have no right to collect duties from them when they come to ports occupied by the Spanish Government.

Article V. In case of disagreement between us and the governor of Sulu, or the commanders of war ships, the Sultan shall have the right to communicate with the Captain-General direct.

Article VI. All the people of Sulu can, if they choose, use muzzle-loading rifles and lantaka.5 They will, however, be required to present a certificate from two or three free people, of good reputation, to the effect that they (who use the firearms) are good and well-behaving people and that they do not use such arms for mischief. Under such conditions the Sultan may give a license.

Article VII. The Sultan has the right to give passports to Sulus wishing to travel for commercial purposes to whatever place they may go, on condition that they pass by Jolo to inform the Spanish governor of their destination. In case those of noble birth or the datus do not stop at Jolo, the Sultan himself shall inform the Governor, for they, as a rule, have the former’s consent to travel.

Article VIII. We will try to suppress all pirates; but in case we are unable to do so we will notify the Governor of their location. But in case we do not know where they are, we can not be held responsible for such information. We will also aid the Government with as many men as we can afford to bring together, and we shall be pleased to give guides who can tell the hiding places of such pirates.

Article IX. Our customs and usages, including our religion, shall not be changed. If there is any priest who desires to travel around in this country, he ought to inform the Sultan, so that he may send a companion with him; but in case he fails to ask permission and travels around without obeying this rule and is killed, the Sultan can not be held responsible for such results. The same condition shall govern in the case of all Spaniards and soldiers or any one else who may desire to live outside of the places agreed upon.

Article X. We guarantee to deliver all Christians who run away on account of crime; so also must the Spaniards treat us Mohammedans in case our servants and people run away to them. It would not be right for the Spaniards to hold or protect them.

Article XI. The Sulus and all the Sultan’s subjects have the right to trade in small or large boats whether they use flags or not; this on condition that they have passes; but in case they like to use a flag they must use the Spanish flag. The Sultan shall not use a flag of his own, but that of the King of Spain. All other datus and chiefs of the islands, whenever they use any flag, must use the Spanish commercial flag.

Article XII. The Spaniards and the Sultan shall fully observe the articles of this agreement which has to be ratified by the Spanish Government. We sincerely beg that, whenever there is any disagreement between us and the Spanish Governor concerning some crime, careful and proper investigation be made, without any undue haste to fight. We have full trust and confidence in the Spanish Government and expect that the Spanish Government will have similar trust in us.

Article XIII. It shall not be right to alter the articles of this agreement without the mutual consent of both parties.

Both parties having understood all the articles of this treaty do hereby confirm it all and certify to it. Said articles being identical with those which were presented by Padukka Mahasari Mawlana Sultan Mohammed Jamalul A’lam, signed by us in the palace in Likup, on the day mentioned above in this document.

I, Don Domingo Moriones y Murillo, Lieutenant-General of the National Army, Marquis de Oroquieta, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of San Hermenegildo, of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Carlos III, of that of Military Merit, Red and White, and many others for feats of arms, Governor and Captain-General of the Philippine Islands, etc., etc., in the name of His Majesty the King of Spain, Alfonso XII, whom God keep, do confirm and ratify the above act of pacification and capitulation, in all its parts.

Manila, August 15, 1878 A. D. (18, Sha’ban, 1295 A. H.)

Notes from Saleeby

The status of Sulu as defined by this treaty resembled that of a protectorate rather than a dependency. The internal administration of Sulu, its customs, laws, and religion were fully respected and were not subject to Spanish jurisdiction, confirmation, approval, or interference of any sort, except in matters pertaining to regulations for the use of firearms.

The foreign political relations of Sulu were made subject to the full control of the Philippine Government. This control (or sovereign right) was the chief motive for the war and was declared by the treaty indisputable. On the strength of this both England and Germany, in 1885, concluded a treaty with Spain recognizing her full sovereignty over the whole Sulu Archipelago, including Balabak and Kagayan Sulu. In that same treaty Spain relinquished all claims to that part of northeastern Borneo formerly ruled by the Sultans of Sulu; this being the territory administered by the British North Borneo Company. The commercial relations of Sulu with foreign countries were not submitted to Spanish supervision or control outside of the territory occupied by the garrisons, and the sultan was empowered to collect duties from foreign merchants and ships trading with Maymbung, Siasi, and other places not occupied by the Philippine Government.

The treaty on the whole secured for Spain the fruits of her conquest and established a stable condition of peace and safety throughout the whole Archipelago and in the neighboring southern seas. Foreign interference ceased, commerce revived, and trading routes were resumed without danger or risk.

Governor Martinez had a brilliant term of service marked by important results and excellent public improvements. He began the titanic labor of filling the swamps and brought the town of Jolo to its present level. He laid out its streets, plazas, parks, and trees, finished the tower of the Queen (blockhouse No. 2), and constructed the blockhouse of the playa at Tulay, the military hospital, the light-house and various bridges. A great part of this work was done by prison labor, 400 prisoners having been transferred from Manila to Jolo for this purpose. His administration marked the beginning of a period of prosperity to the colony and temporary peace with the Sulus. He reëstablished friendly relations with the sultan and datus and had success in many undertakings. Early in 1880 he fell sick and to the regret of all parties left Jolo for Manila.

Governor Martinez was relieved by Col. Rafael Gonzalez de Rivera, the fourth governor of Sulu, on February 3, 1880. Rivera followed in the steps of Martinez, but circumstances changed as the sultan’s health declined, and the sultana’s political intrigues divided the state into two hostile parties. On March 30 the scouts at the tower of the Queen were attacked by a band of Sulus, who killed 2 privates, and wounded 1 sergeant and 6 privates. However, the Sulus were repulsed, losing 12 men dead. The sultan, when called upon to punish the transgressors, responded promptly, went to Lu’uk and chastised them severely. In December of the same year Datu Pula reported some juramentados in the suburbs, two of whom were encountered by the troops; one was killed and the other fled.

After the treaty of 1878, Jamalul A’lam established his official residence at Maymbung and acted in a dignified and creditable manner. He observed the terms of the treaty faithfully until his death. He was intelligent, vigorous, and willing to learn. He received Spanish and native visitors with befitting courtesy and was well respected and endeared himself to everybody who knew him. Following the example of his father, he published a code of laws which is said to have been milder than that of his predecessors. It is no doubt a modification or a reproduction of the code used by Pulalun and Jamalul Kiram I. It was in current use in the country at the time of the Spanish evacuation in 1899.

Jamalul A’lam lived an honorable life and kept one wife only for the greater part of the time. He repudiated the mother of his eldest son, Badarud Din, and loved tenderly Pangian Inchi Jamila, the mother of his second, Amirul Kiram. Inchi Jamila was not very beautiful, but she was attractive, intelligent, active, and comparatively young. She associated with her husband in the administration of affairs and wielded considerable influence on the chiefs and council of state. She was very generous and entertaining, and won the respect of the majority of the datus. Wishing to secure the sultanate for her son, Amirul Kiram, she attempted to alienate Badarud Din from his father and used her influence on the council to that end. Intrigues followed and the state divided into two factions, partisans of Amirul Kiram and Pangian Inchi Jamila and partisans of Badarud Din, the rightful heir. Jamalul A’lam managed affairs with a strong hand and kept all parties united, but early in 1881 his health began to decline rapidly and his favorite wife meddled all the more with the affairs of the state. The knowledge of her schemes soon spread, and as it became known that Jamalul A’lam was actually failing, disorder arose and a condition bordering on anarchy prevailed.

On the 22d of February armed Sulus attempted to force the gates of Jolo, but they were repulsed and most of them were killed. The sultan grew worse and disturbances increased. The front of the plaza of Jolo became an arena of war, several attacks were made on the town, and conditions became so bad that Rivera requested reënforcements from the Governor-General and permission to take the field against the hostile parties. The request was forwarded through the governor of Mindanao, who indorsed the communication, recommending that he be empowered to decide whether reënforcements were needed or not, and in case they were needed, to lead the troops himself. This being granted, the governor of Mindanao came to Jolo, reported unfavorably, and returned to Zamboanga.

References: The History of Sulu, page 227-240, Najeeb M. Saleeby, Manila, Bureau of Public Printing 1908, Gutenberg release Date: January 3, 2013 [Gutenberg EBook #41771]

Reference, Please Download and share: Ebook The History of Sultan Sulu

Sabah adalah wilayah Negara Brunei Darussalam seawal pemerintahan Sultan Brunei yang pertama, Sultan Muhammad Shah (Awang Alak Betatar) (Tahun 1363- 1402 masehi) sehingga ke penghujung abad ke-19 selama 500 tahun. 

Semasa Perang Saudara Brunei (1661-1673), Sultan Muhyiddin telah menjanjikan wilayah pesisir pantai timur Sabah kepada sepupu beliau Sultan Suluk jika membantu beliau memerangi Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubin (yang berkubu di Pulau Chermin di mulut Sungai Brunei pada tahun 1673). Walau bagaimanapun, pihak Suluk tidak menjalankan tugas yang diberikan dengan baik menyebabkan kemurkaan Sultan Muhyiddin yang enggan menyerahkan Sabah kepada Kesultanan Suluk. Sejak itu pihak Kesultanan Suluk hanya menuntut wilayah timur Sabah. Ini terbukti daripada catitan "The History of Java" oleh Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles pada tahun 1817 yang mengatakan bahawa "On the north-east of Borneo proper [Brunei] lies a very considerable territory [Sabah], the sovereignty of which has long been claimed by Sulu government". [claimed= menuntut, bukan bererti 'menguasai']

Sehinggalah pada tahun 1865, Sultan Abdul Momin Brunei telah memajakkan wilayah barat Sabah kepada Charles Lee Moses (Moses kemudian menjual haknya kepada W.J. Torrey dan Torrey menjual haknya kepada Baron von Overbeck, Konsul Empire Austro-Hungary di Hong Kong). Baron von Overbeck bersama Alfred Dent (Hong Kong) kemudiannya menubuhkan the Dent Company. Pada tahun 1877, Baron von Overbeck telah ke Brunei untuk membuat perjanjian pajakan baru dengan Sultan Abdul Momin. Sultan Abdul Momin Brunei telah melantik beliau menjadi Maharaja Sabah dan Raja Gaya dan Sandakan. Menyedari pihak Suluk juga menuntut wilayah timur Sabah pada masa itu, Baron juga membuat perjanjian dengan Sultan Suluk ke atas wilayah timur Sabah yang dituntut Suluk sebagai jaminan mengelak masalah2 di kemudian hari (dan beliau dilantik oleh pihak Suluk sebagai Raja Sandakan dan Dato Bendahara). Duit pajakan wilayah Sabah yang dibayar oleh Baron von Overbeck kepada Sultan Brunei ialah $12,000 setahun dan $3,000 kepada Temenggong Brunei, manakala duit yg dibayar kepada Sultan Suluk ialah $5,000 setahun mengikut perjanjian Baron von Overbeck dengan Sultan Suluk pada 1878. Baron von Overbeck kemudian menjual semua haknya kepada Alfred Dent, pengasas British North Borneo Company, yang mentadbir Sabah (North Borneo) dari tahun 1882-1946, yang kemudian menyerahkannya kepada Kerajaan British.

Jika dilihat pada dokumen2 pajakan Sabah pada Disember 1877 ada terkandung syarat jika Baron von Overbeck atau pengganti2nya tidak membayar sewa pajakan selama 3 tahun maka Sultan Brunei/ Temenggong Brunei berhak mengambil balik semua wilayah yang dipajakkan itu. Manakala, di antara kandungan perjanjian Baron von Overbeck dengan Sultan Suluk pada Januari 1878 ialah pajakan itu adalah untuk selama-lamanya, iaitu dirujuk sebagai "Selagi ada Bulan dan Bintang" dalam perjanjian tersebut. Daripada kandungan kedua-dua perjanjian ini termasuk jumlah duit pajakan dan juga tarikh perjanjian-perjanjian itu dibuat, ternyata Sabah adalah hak milik Brunei masa itu dan bukan milik Suluk. 

Setahun kemudian, Sultan Suluk telah tunduk kepada kekuasaan Raja Sepanyol dan mengiktiraf kedaulatan Sepanyol keatas semua wilayahnya dalam perjanjian yang ditandatangani diantara Sultan Suluk dan Sepanyol di Jolo pada 22hb Julai 1878 di mana artikel pertama adalah seperti berikut "Article 1. We declare that the sovereignty to Spain over all the Archipelago of Sulu and its dependencies is indisputable, and as a natural consequence of this declaration we constitute ourselves loyal subjects of His Majesty King Alfonso XII, and of his successors to the power." 


Enam tahun kemudian pada 7hb Mac 1885, Sepanyol sebagai penguasa Suluk telah melepaskan segala tuntutan kedaulatan keatas wilayah-wilayah yang dimiliki atau pernah dimiliki Suluk di Borneo kepada Kerajaan British."The Spanish Government RENOUNCES, as far as regards the British Government, all claims of sovereignty over the territories of the continent of Borneo, which belong, or which have belonged in the past to the Sultan of Sulu (Jolo), and which comprise the neighbouring islands of Balambangan, Banguey, and Malawali, as well as all those comprised within a zone of three maritime leagues from the coast, and which form part of the territories administered by the Company styled the “British North Borneo Company.” —Article III, Madrid Protocol of 1885".

Pada awal tahun 1960an, rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak telah memilih menyertai Malaya dan Singapura untuk membentuk Negara Malaysia, itulah pilihan yang dihormati walaupun terasa pilu di hati sesetengah rakyat Brunei pada masa itu yang ingin melihat tanah-tanah wilayah Brunei disatukan semula. Sehingga kini, hubungan rakyat Brunei dan Sabah/ Sarawak (Malaysia) tetap erat bagaikan kerabat, walaupun tidak duduk serumah (senegara) tetap duduk berjiran (bernegara jiran), tetap mesra dan hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain.

Bersama ini juga dilampirkan dokumen-dokumen perjanjian pajakan Sabah pada tahun 1877 yang berkaitan iaitu BUKTI-BUKTI SABAH ADALAH DI BAWAH PEMERINTAHAN NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM SEHINGGA 29HB DISEMBER 1877 DAN SEBELUM ITU TIDAK PERNAH DISERAHKAN KEPADA MANA-MANA NEGARA/ KERAJAAN (TERMASUK SULUK). Untuk makluman semua, dokumen-dokumen asal ini adalah disimpan di Public Record Office, Londan dan mempunyai bilangan rujukan Colonial Office: 874/2, 874/17, 874/18, 874/19 & 874/20.



HjAwang HjOthman Awada Buu Titit Törñådö Göñzålèz Manzur Ozmanov Ibrahim Qadirbayev Faridah Daud Fatmah Fatimah Ibrahim Bakar Nik Rakib Nik Hassan II Kembara Jalanan Milin Biok Jr. Datuk Seri Chazy Chaz Muhamat Abd Rahman II


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