July 2020

(L) The first treaty was signed by Brunei's 24th Sultan, Sultan Abdul Momin, appointing Baron de Overbeck as the Maharaja Sabah, Rajah Gaya and Sandakan signed on 29th December 1877. (R) The second treaty was signed by Sultan Jamalalulazam of Sulu appointing Baron de Overbeck as Dato Bendahara and Raja Sandakan on 22nd January 1878, about three weeks after the first treaty was signed. Pictures: Courtesy of Rozan Yunos
THE 1968 Programme Book for the Coronation of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah as the 29th Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, had two interesting documents inserted inside. The documents were reproduction of two treaties taken from microfilm kept at the Public Record Office in London.

The first treaty was signed by Brunei's 24th Sultan, Sultan Abdul Momin, appointing Baron de Overbeck as the Maharaja Sabah, Rajah Gaya and Sandakan signed on 29th December 1877. The second treaty was signed by Sultan Jamalalulazam of Sulu appointing Baron de Overbeck as Dato Bendahara and Raja Sandakan on 22nd January 1878, about three weeks after the first treaty was signed.

That begs the question: Who was responsible for Sabah or North Borneo as it was known then towards the end of the 19th century? That probably has a bearing on the event now unfolding in Lahad Datu in Sabah, where a group of armed men supposedly from the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo is claiming that they are the rightful owners of Sabah.

Many of the early modern accounts of written history in Brunei noted that Sulu was given possession of Sabah or parts of Sabah for help rendered to Sultan Muhydin, the 14th Sultan of Brunei who fought a civil war against the 13th Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Abdul Mubin.

Sultan Abdul Mubin usurped the throne after killing Sultan Muhammad Ali when the latter tried to stop Sultan Abdul Mubin from taking his revenge for the death of his son killed by the son of Sultan Muhammad Ali. Sultan Abdul Mubin appointed Sultan Muhydin as Bendahara but eventually Sultan Muhydin tricked Sultan Abdul Mubin into leaving Brunei for Pulau Cermin and appointed himself as the new Sultan of Brunei. The two Sultans fought against each other and Sultan Muhyidin finally triumphed, said to be due to the assistance provided by the Sulu Sultanate.

Sir Hugh Low, writing in the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JSBRAS) published on 5 June 1880 entitled 'Selesilah (Book of Descent) of the Rajas of Bruni', wrote that "by the assistance of a force from the Sultan of Soolok, the forts on the island (Pulau Cermin) were captured".

Earlier Sir Hugh Low described the negotiation between Sulu and Brunei: "the Bataraa of Soolok went up to Bruni and met the Sultan Muaddin and having feasted and drank, the Sultan asked the Batara for his assistance to destroy the enemies at the island, promising that if the island should be conquered, the land from the North as far as westward as Kimani should belong to Soolook".

HR Hughes-Hallett writing in the Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society published in August 1940 entitled A Sketch of the History of Brunei wrote: "by the beginning of the 18th century, the kingdom (Brunei) had been territorially diminished by the cession to the Sultan of Sulu in the north".

CA Majul in his book Muslims in the Philippines (1973) referred to a letter from Sultan Jamalul Azam of Sulu to the Governor General of Spain on 17 September 1879 that the coast area from Kimanis to Balikpapan was to pay tribute to the Sultan which he said proved that the Brunei territory facing Suluk was ceded to Suluk.

Interestingly enough, Pehin Jamil Umar writing in his book, Tarsilah Brunei II: Period of Splendour and Fame (2007), countered all of the above. Pehin Jamil did not deny the fact that the Sulus were invited and promised the northern Brunei territory by Sultan Muhydin if they helped him win the civil war against Sultan Abdul Mubin. However, during the battle for Pulau Cermin, the Sulu forces who were supposed to attack the island from Pulau Keingaran and from the sea, did not do so. They were terrified by the resistance of Sultan Abdul Mubin's forces in Pulau Cermin. It was only after Sultan Muhydin had won the battle did the Sulu forces landed and took the opportunity to seize a number of war booties.

According to Pehin Jamil, Sultan Muhydin refused to cede the territories claimed by Sulu. Pehin Jamil noted that the area was only "claimed" and not "ceded", as Sir Stamford Raffles, in his book "History of Java" (1830), had noted "on the north-east of Borneo proper (Brunei) lies a very considerable territory (Sabah), the sovereignty of which has long been claimed by Sulu Government".

Pehin Jamil further noted that according to the oral tradition, Sulu continued to press their claim. In 1775, one of their chiefs came to Brunei pretending to seek fresh water. What they really wanted was to seek an audience with the Sultan regarding Sabah. However, the Sultan ordered one of the chief wazirs to see them and he threatened that if they wanted to pursue their intention, he will kill them all. The Sulus immediately left. Despite that setback, the Sulus continue to maintain their claims.

The argument that Brunei has not ceded Sabah to Sulu is supported by LR Wright in her book The Origins of British Borneo (1970). She wrote: "indeed, the legitimacy of the Sulu claim to the territory (North Borneo) is in considerable doubt partly because of the unreliability of tarsilas such as 'Selesilah', which in many cases are nothing more than written-down legends to enhance the status of the royal house which produced them. Succeeding Sultans of Brunei have denied that northern Borneo was given to Sulu, and only the weight of Sulu tradition supports the claim. The weight of Brunei tradition challenges it".

The Sulu claim is currently resting on that treaty which was mentioned at the beginning of this article signed by Sultan Jamalalulazam of Sulu appointing Baron de Overbeck as Dato Bendahara and Raja Sandakan on 22nd January 1878. But at the beginning of this article, there is, in fact, another treaty which was signed earlier by Sultan Abdul Momin appointing Baron de Overbeck as the Maharaja Sabah, Rajah Gaya and Sandakan signed on 29th December 1877. In 1877, the Brunei Sultanate then still believed and maintained that the territory was in fact still under the control of the Brunei Sultanate.

Another interesting document is the British North Borneo Treaties Protocol of 1885 signed in Madrid, which is also known as the Madrid Protocol of 1885, a copy of which can be found on Sabah State Attorney General's website. It was signed by the British, Germany and Spain who was the predecessor government of the Philippines. The two most important articles are Article I British and Germany recognising the sovereignty of Spain over the Sulu Archipelago and Article III Spain relinquishing all claims to Borneo.

This article serves only to point out that past events have repercussions on the present and more so if the past events were not clearly defined as in this particular case.

The Brunei Times

Kesultanan Sulu TIDAK BERHAK KE ATAS SABAH kerana Kesultanan Brunei tidak pernah menyerahkan wilayah tersebut kepada Sulu dalam sejarah.

Dokumen-dokumen ini berkaitan dengan pemberian beberapa jajahan Brunei kepada satu pihak Barat oleh Sultan dan kerajaan Brunei. Pihak Barat ini yang digelar The Overback Dent Syndicate atau Sendikit Syarikat Overback. Sultan Brunei telah memajakkan wilayah-wilayah atau jajahan yang disebut 'Sabah' sekarang ini kepada sendikit ini. Pada masa itu Kerajaan Brunei mempunyai kedaulatan ke atas sebahagian besar kawasan Sabah. Kawasan yang diserahkan adalah dari barat iaitu Sungai Sulaman ke kawasan timur iaitu Sungai Sibuku. Pada tahun 1877 sendikit ini telah perolehi hak ke atas kawasan-kawasan yang dikuasai oleh Kesultanan Brunei di Sabah.

Kesultanan Brunei telah memajakkan wilayah Sabah pada abad ke-19 kepada Baron Von Overbeck. Kuasa mentadbir Timur Sabah t berada ditangan Baron von Overbeck pada 1877. Menyedari pihak Sulu juga menuntut wilayah timur Sabah, Baron telah membuat perjanjian dengan Raja Sulu bagi mengelak masalah-masalah di kemudian hari. Duit pajakan wilayah Sabah yg dibayar oleh Baron von Overbeck kepada Sultan Brunei $12,000 setahun dan $3,000 kepada Temenggong pada 1877, manakala duit yg dibayar kepada Sultan Sulu hanya $5,000 setahun mengikut perjanjian Baron von Overbeck dengan Sultan Sulu pada 1878. Daripada jumlah duit pajakan yang dibayar sudah JELAS menunjukkan siapa yang sebenarnya berkuasa/ berhak di Sabah pada masa itu.

Baron von Overbeck kemudian menjual haknya kepada Alfred Dent, pengasas British North Borneo Company, yang mentadbir Sabah (North Borneo) dari tahun 1882-1946, yang kemudian menjualnya kepada Kerajaan British.

Pada awal 1960an, rakyat Sabah telah memilih menyertai negara baru Malaysia (Setelah dapatan Suruhanjaya Cobbolt 1963) mendapati bahawa majority rakyat Sabah mahu merdeka dalam Malaysia dan pilihan ini dihormati oleh Kerajaan dan Rakyat Brunei.

Isu tuntutan Sulu ke atas Sabah mengikut perspektif Brunei dilampirkan (Sumber: ms 193-197 & ms 254-254, Buku "Tarsilah Brunei II- Zaman Kegemilangan dan Kemasyhuran" oleh Pehin Jami Al-Sufri, 1997).

Bahan bacaan lain mengenai bagaimana Brunei kehilangan wilayah Sabah: Brunei Times Sept 21 2008

Kesultanan Brunei telah memajakkan wilayah Sabah pada abad ke-19. Kuasa penjanjian yang lebih merupakan perjanjian keamanan tersebut dibuat oleh Baron von Overbeck pada 1877. Baron menyedari pihak Sulu juga menuntut sebahagian wilayah Sabah, maka beliau (Baron Von Beck) juga membuat perjanjian dengan Raja Sulu bagi mengelak masalah-masalah di kemudian hari.

Baron von Overbeck kemudian menjual haknya kepada Alfred Dent, pengasas British North Borneo Company, yang mentadbir Sabah (North Borneo) dari tahun 1882-1946, yang kemudian menjualnya kepada Kerajaan British.

Brunei Times

Kuala Lumpur, July 24, 2020 – Recent remarks made by prominent figures have sparked a dialogue on the nature of Malaysia's federation and the unity of its constituent states. The discussions highlight the importance of acknowledging the historical context and addressing concerns raised by regions such as Sabah and Sarawak.

The notion that the Malayan federal arrangements succeeded due to racial and cultural unity has been put forward. Comparisons have been drawn to the fate of other British-inspired federations, such as those in the West Indies and Africa, which have since dissolved. However, the Federation of Malaya, which formed the nucleus of Malaysia in 1963, has endured and evolved.

Critics argue that the formation of Malaysia was, in part, a mechanism for Britain to gracefully relinquish its colonial responsibilities. They contend that the rapid grant of "independence" to the neglected colonies in Borneo came with conditions, requiring them to join the existing Federation of Malaysia. This arrangement deviated from the conventional understanding of independence.

There are concerns that the people of Sabah and Sarawak feel treated as colonies rather than equal partners. These sentiments have ignited calls for a decolonization process, allowing these regions to determine their own destiny. Proponents argue that if they desire to break free, Kuala Lumpur has no moral right to keep them in shackles. Instead, the focus should shift to strengthening unity within the Malay Peninsula.

Reflecting on similar British-inspired federations, the case of East and West Pakistan, which formed the nation of Pakistan, is often cited. Similarities are drawn between East and West Malaysia, emphasizing the need to be mindful of the challenges and complexities of maintaining a diverse federation.

The underlying message is clear – the Malaysian federation should not be taken for granted. Like any successful partnership, it requires ongoing effort and commitment from all parties involved. While disagreements may arise, threatening separation at the first sign of discord is deemed counterproductive.

Respecting the wishes of the majority is essential. If a significant majority within a particular region desires to opt out, provided certain conditions are met, their aspirations should be given due consideration. This sentiment underscores the importance of open dialogue and a mutual understanding among all stakeholders.

It is crucial for Malaysians to be aware of differing viewpoints and the presence of various elements in their midst. While discussions may stir debate and even dissent, fostering an environment of respect and open-mindedness can lead to constructive solutions.

As Malaysia navigates its future, these conversations serve as reminders that the unity and stability of the federation require ongoing dialogue, inclusivity, and a genuine effort to address concerns. By embracing diversity and working collectively, Malaysians can ensure that their federation remains strong and inclusive, fostering a prosperous and harmonious nation.

Reference: RSNB

Kepada semua Bangsa Negara Sabah baik yang muda mahupun yang veteran, perempuan dan lelaki, mohon untuk anda semua untuk memberikan sokongan padu dengan menyertai Pergerakan Membentuk Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara melalui NGO Republic of Sabah North Borneo - RSNB.

Sertailah perjuangan ini secara rasmi, memberikan komitmen tanpa berbelah bahagi, yang akan melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan sepenuh hati sehingga berjaya.

Kejayaan kita merealisasikan perjuangan ini akan menjadikan era kita sebagai 'The Founding Generations of the Republic of Sabah North Borneo / Generasi-Generasi Pengasas Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara'.

Generasi kita akan menjadi tatapan sejarah selamanya yang akan sentiasa menjadi rujukan. Perjuangan kita pada hari ini adalah didalam usaha untuk melakar sejarah yang paling bernilai.

Penglibatan anda didalam perjuangan ini tidak akan dilupakan atau disia-siakan kerana setiap ahli akan mempunyai rekod sumbangan dan penglibatan, yang akan diiktiraf secara rasmi.

Bukti-bukti penglibatan anda akan menjadi dokumen penting untuk dijadikan rujukan kepada anak-anak dan cucu-cicit anda serta Generasi Negara Sabah dimasa hadapan.

Daftarkan diri anda melalui link ini dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga anda. 

Kita boleh melakukannya... Kita akan melakukannya sebagai satu Bangsa yang Bersatu iaitu Bangsa Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara / The People of Republic of Sabah North Borneo!

Sebarkan mesej ini!

NGO Republic of Sabah North Borneo -RSNB

RSNB memfokuskan kepada memberikan kesedaran secara menyeluruh melalui pendidikan interaktif iaitu melalui perbincangan secara berkumpulan dengan berhemah dan professional.

Didalam Kumpulan Tertutup yang hanya akan dianggotai oleh ahl-ahli yang sah, setiap ahli RSNB akan berpeluang untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah corak pentadbiran Kerajaan Republik melalui unit-unit yang diwujudkan bagi tujuan perbincangan.

Unit-unit perbincangan adalah seperti berikut:
-Perlembagaan Negara Republic Sabah Borneo Utara
-Sistem Pentadbiran
-Pencukaian dan kewangan
-Hubungan Antarabangsa
-Keselamatan dan Pertahanan
-Pembangunan Infrastruktur awam
-Isu-isu umum dan semasa

Dengan memahami kesemua unit-unit ini, anda akan mencapai kematangan fikiran yang membolehkan anda melihat bahawa Bangsa Negara Sabah sememangnya berkemampuan untuk memerintah Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara.

Anda juga akan mampu melihat apakah kekurangan kita selama ini dan apakah kelebihan selepas terbentuknya Negara Republik ini.

Penyertaan anda sebagai ahli rasmi tidak akan disia-siakan kerana setiap ahli memiliki misi tersendiri untuk dicapai bagi membolehkan perjuangan Kemerdekaan ini mencapai Tujuan, Objektif, Misi dan Visi yang telah ditetapkan.

Kita mampu lakukan dan kita BOLEH MELAKUKANNYA!

Klik link ini >>>Daftar Diri Menjadi Ahli RSNB<<< untuk mendaftarkan diri anda menjadi ahli RASMI RSNB!

Sebarkan mesej ini!

Jikalau kita Bangsa Negara Sabah tidak merancang perjalanan masa depan Negara kita, akan ada orang lain atau kuasa asing yang merancangnya.


Kita tidak boleh sesekali membiarkan mereka merancang perjalanan kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan politik kita!

Atas sebab kesedaran ini, dengan kematangan fikiran yang telah dicapai melalui pemilikan jiwa yang Merdeka dan Berdaulat, kita mesti bersedia untuk mengurus tadbir Kerajaan dan sumber khazanah alam semula jadi milik kita sepenuhnya!

Sertailah Perjuangan Kemerdekaan ini dan jadilah sebahagian daripada sejarah yang bersama-sama membentuk Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara!

Klik link dibawah ini untuk mendaftarkan diri anda secara rasmi.

Tidakkah anda telah mendengar Pukulan Gong Kebangkitan telah berbunyi yang menyeru anda semua untuk turut serta bangkit demi Kedaulatan dan Kemerdekaan Bangsa Negara Sabah!

Sebarkan mesej ini.



06 JULAI 2020

Pihak RSNB ingin memaklumkan secara umum bahawa Pengasas kepada NGO ini adalah Committee yang telah membentuk NGO ini melalui Mesyuarat Rasmi Pertama yang telah diluluskan dengan sebulat suara.

Ini membawa maksud bahawa Committee RSNB adalah Pengasas kepada Penubuhan NGO ini dan telah memberikan Amanah dan Tanggungjawab penuh kepada Mosses PA Ampang untuk memikul Kepimpinan Committee agar dapat menjayakan Tujuan, Objektif, Misi dan Visi yang telah ditetapkan dan dipersetujui.

Kenyataan ini dibuat bagi mencerahkan keadaan yang telah menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya.

Perjuangan RSNB ini bukan bertujuan untuk mengangkat mana-mana individu tetapi adalah untuk Mendaulatkan dan Memerdekakan Bangsa Negara Sabah mengikut strategi tersendiri, daripada penguasaan Kuasa asing iaitu malaya yang kini dikenali sebagai malaysia, yang telah menjajah Negara Sabah melalui satu perjanjian yang tidak sah, yang telah dimetrai di Kota London pada 9 Julai 1963 dalam keadaan status Negara Sabah (North Borneo) pada ketika itu yang masih lagi berstatuskan sebagai Tanah Jajahan yang tidak memiliki kapasiti untuk memetraikan apa-apa perjanjian antarabangsa.

Kenyataan ini disokong dengan fakta yang sahih, yang boleh dilihat sendiri melalui dokumen-dokumen Perjanjian yang telah dikongsikan melalui Page Republic of Sabah North Borneo – RSNB ini. 

Perjanjian malaysia merupakan perjanjian yang telah melancarkan secara rasmi ‘Neo-Colonialist Operation’ keatas Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak.

Dengan kefahaman ini, setelah melakukan penelitian, kajian, merujuk segala sumber yang sahih bagi menguatkan kefahaman, akhirnya tindakan untuk membebaskan Negara Sabah daripada Penjajahan akan dilakukan melalui NGO RSNB.

Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Negara Sabah yang diperjuangkan oleh RSNB tidak akan menafikan sebarang usaha mahupun bersaing dengan mana-mana NGO Nationalist. Malah, pihak RSNB berharap suatu masa, apabila saatnya telah tiba, kerjasama dapat diwujudkan.

Harap Maklum.

Terima Kasih.

Credits to How Africa
Perjuangan Kemerdekaan ini memerlukan anda semua untuk memiliki hati, mental, dan emosi yang sangat kuat untuk berhadapan dengan apa jua cabaran yang bakal datang dalam pelbagai bentuk.

Jangan takut mahupun gentar. 

Bertenang dan tabah.

Yakinlah bahawa perjuangan ini adalah benar dan tidak salah. 

Ia tidak menyalahi undang-undang kerana ia dilakukan mengikut saluran perundangan dan perlembagaan.

Segala fakta dan hujah disokong dengan bukti hitam putih.

Segala kenyataan yang bakal dikeluarkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin tempatan mahupun malaya yang cuba mengecam perjuangan ini hanya akan menampakkan diri mereka sebagai 'barua malaya (Sabahan) dan penjajah (malaya)'.

Segala bukti sudah diberikan melalui dokumen-dokumen yang selama ini disembunyikan oleh malaya.

Jikalau berlaku ugutan daripada pihak polis, jangan sesekali mendiamkan perkara ini. 

Sila maklumkan dengan segera kepada pihak kami untuk tindakan lanjut.

Ikon Singa dijadikan lambang RSNB adalah kerana ingin pihak kami sampaikan mesej kepada umum bahawa perjuangan ini terdiri daripada Bangsa Negara Sabah yang memiliki kekuatan dan semangat seperti Singa.

Jadilah sebahagian daripada perjuangan ini untuk masa depan Generasi kita semua.

Mari kita wariskan harta yang paling bernilai kepada anak cucu-cicit kita melalui perjuangan ini iaitu Kuasa Kemerdekaan Penuh dan Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara!


Keahlian ini hanya untuk Bangsa Negara Sabah yang PERCAYA, YAKIN dan MAHU MENJADI SEBAHAGIAN DARIPADA SEJARAH yang memperjuangkan KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA SABAH melalui RSNB.

Setelah permohonan anda diluluskan, nombor keahlian akan diberikan. Dengan nombor keahlian ini, pihak RSNB akan menjemput anda untuk menyertai Kumpulan Tertutup Facebook RSNB.

Melalui kumpulan tertutup ini, suai kenal akan dilakukan, dan informasi tentang bagaimana perjuangan ini mampu dijayakan akan dilakukan didalam kumpulan tertutup khas untuk ahli-ahli RSNB yang berdaftar sahaja.

Sesi perbincangan melalui Live Video juga akan dilakukan selari dengan keperluan perbincangan nanti.

Keahlian ini dibuka seawal umur 13 tahun dan keatas.

Jadi, anak-anak muda diluar sana, sertailah perjuangan ini kerana perjuangan Kemerdekaan ini adalah untuk dihadiahkan kepada anda semua.

Generasi Muda Negara Sabah yang berumur 20 tahun dan keatas, anda semua perlu memikul tanggungjawab bagi memastikan masa depan Bangsa Negara kita terjamin. Jaminan itu hanya mampu dicapai apabila kuasa politik Tanah Air Negara Sabah berada didalam genggaman Bangsa kita, iaitu Bangsa Negara Sabah.

Ini bermaksud, Kuasa Kedaulatan dan Kuasa Kemerdekaan bukan lagi dipegang oleh malaya tetapi dipegang oleh Bangsa kita yang bakal dikenali sebagai Bangsa Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara!

Sila klik ini untuk mendaftar >>>DAFTAR KEAHLIAN RSNB<<<

Victoria, June 30, 2020 – The Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB) has officially announced the launch of its independence campaign, aiming to establish the Republic of Sabah North Borneo within a 10-year period. This Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), registered under the legislative jurisdiction of Victoria, Australia, on May 24, 2020, aims to educate, advocate, and serve as a driving force for politicians from local parties in Sabah and the Sabah State Government in their pursuit of Sabah's independence.

Mosses PA Ampang, who has been unanimously entrusted with the leadership of RSNB as the President, expressed gratitude for the support received from the RSNB Committee during the organization's inaugural meeting. Ampang emphasized the significance of RSNB's establishment, stating, "This is a crucial step towards realizing the aspirations of the people of Sabah for independence."

RSNB's Purpose, Objectives, Mission, and Vision were officially stated during the announcement, outlining the organization's goals. The purpose of the NGO is to educate and raise awareness among Sabahans about the misrepresented Malaysia agreement, while the objectives include disseminating awareness about the need for Sabah's independence and serving as an advocacy group for Sabahan politicians to lead the independence movement.

The mission of RSNB is to accelerate awareness regarding the necessity of supporting the independence of Sabah, which will lead to the establishment of the Republic of Sabah North Borneo. The vision is centered on a belief in Sabah's ability to become a free and responsible nation, capable of managing its resources and governing with justice, unity, and integrity.

The 10-year timeframe for achieving independence has been chosen to ensure thorough education and understanding among Sabahans, empowering them to liberate their state from Malayan colonial rule, now known as Malaysia. It also allows sufficient time to build a strong foundation for a smooth transition towards independence.

RSNB intends to conduct the independence campaign through two platforms: domestically and internationally. While internal movements are deemed critical, the organization recognizes the need for an international presence to garner global support and pressurize the colonial government of Malaysia. The diplomatic relationships established with the international community will contribute to raising awareness and strengthening the domestic movement.

Sabahans of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and social backgrounds are encouraged to join RSNB's cause. Ampang emphasized that the involvement of the younger generation is crucial for the movement's success, stating, "The youth of Sabah are the torchbearers of our future, and their active participation will shape the destiny of our beloved state."

RSNB plans to launch various programs in the near future and has opened registration for "Associate Membership." This inclusive membership opportunity allows all Sabahans supporting the independence of Sabah to play an integral role in the upcoming initiatives.

The announcement has sparked enthusiasm and hope among Sabahans, who see this as an opportunity to reclaim their cultural identity, manage their resources, and establish an independent nation. The 10-year timeframe represents a crucial period for Sabahans to mobilize and work towards their collective goal of independence.

As the independence campaign commences, RSNB calls upon all Sabahans to actively participate, contribute their ideas, and unite in the pursuit of Sabah's independence. The organization believes that the time has come for Sabah to rise and shape its own destiny as a proud and sovereign nation.

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